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You are here: HomeHireSelf Drive Hire -Over 3.5t → 14m Versalift Access Platform

14m Versalift Access Platform

The Iveco Daily 50C with 14m Versalift Access Platforms offers exceptional payload capacity, ideal for carrying tools and equipment.

Ideal for the following but not limited to:

  • Street Lighting
  • CCTV Maintenance
  • Highway Maintenace
  • Signage
  • Local authorities

**Please note, anyone operating a vehicle mounted access platform must hold a category 1b IPAF Pal Card**

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Product Specifications
Vehicle Type: Iveco Daily 50C MWB
Max. Height: 14m
Outreach: 7.3m
SWL: 200 KGS
GVW: 5200 KGS
CPA IPAF Versalift Gardner Denver GSR LOLER